WHATS UP WEDNESDAY?! 🎉🎉🎉- Spring Activities
Hello friends! Happy Wednesday to you all.
So what has been up with us you ask?
It has been a couple of months since the last update..
We have gone on several movie and dinner dates.
Celebrated Pi day with making a homemade pizza and homemade blueberry pie.
Easter with the family.
Went to The Rush Tribute Project concert with our friends.
Lastly we hung out with Jessica’s older brother and played a lot of Mario Kart!
So that’s all that has been up with us.
Please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE on your feed or story, remember to TAG us!
Help us spread the word that we are a waiting family in the domestic infant adoption program. We are ready for placement and to be first time parents! We are home study approved and can travel within the USA. If you are an expectant mother, birth parent, guardian, or anyone else interested in finding out more about us or interested in making an adoption plan, please reach out. We welcome you to learn more about us. 🙏
Thank You! 💚💜
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