Brian grew up in Fridley, Minnesota with his older brother. Brian played Hockey for many years. Brian and his family later moved to Bloomington, MN where he and Jessica met in 7th grade. Brian enjoyed going camping with his family while growing up. He also enjoys playing video games (mainly on the PC) and going to concerts.​
Jessica describes Brian as selfless and caring. She loves his sense of humor as he can always make her laugh.


Jessica grew up in Bloomington, MN with her older brother. Jessica was in dance class for many years along with choir and theater. Jessica moved to Shakopee, MN as a teenager when her little brother and sister were born. ​Jessica enjoyed going swimming in the summers with her family at the local pools. She also enjoys baseball games and baking.
​Brian describes Jessica as a kind warm person. She always goes out of her way to help others. He appreciates her thoughtfulness and insight when they are together.
Meet Lena:

Meet Gibson:

Our Home
We live in a 3 bedroom townhouse. We are located in a community full of children. We are in walking distance to the elementary school, playground, parks and trails.
It is a great area for raising a family!

Our Favorite Things
Favorite Color: Green.
Favorite Foods: Pizza and Tacos.
Favorite Season: Winter.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
Favorite Vacation: San Diego, CA.
Favorite Band: In Flames.
Favorite Movie: The Matrix.
Favorite TV Show: Trigun.
Favorite Sport: Hockey.
Favorite Thing to Collect: Baseball Hats.
Favorite Activities: Concerts and Video Games.
A Talent: Fast at learning technology.
1 bucket list item: Travel to Ireland.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Foods: Pizza and Tacos.
Favorite season: Autumn.
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving.
Favorite Vacation: San Diego, CA.
Favorite Band: Evanescence/Twenty-One Pilots.
Favorite Movie: Beauty & the Beast.
Favorite TV Show: Friends.
Favorite Sport: Baseball.
Favorite Thing to Collect: Key Chains/Magnets.
Favorite Activities: Movies and Baseball Games.
A Talent: Writing poetry.
1 bucket list item: Visit all 50 states.

Our Family Traditions:
Celebrate Holidays.
Birthday Parties.
MN State Fair/County Fair.
MN Renaissance Festival.
Card and Board Games.
Home-Cooked Meals.
Bake Christmas Cookies.